2000 Deep Web Links
2000 deep web links
The Dark Web, Deep Web or Darknet is a term that refers specifically to a collection of websites that are publicly visible, but hide the IP addresses of the servers that run them. Thus they can be
visited by any web user, but it is very difficult to work out who is behind the sites. And you cannot find these sites using search engines.
So that’s why we have made this awesome list of links
visited by any web user, but it is very difficult to work out who is behind the sites. And you cannot find these sites using search engines.
So that’s why we have made this awesome list of links
1. Xillia (was legit back in the day on markets) http://cjgxp5lockl6aoyg.onion
2. http://cjgxp5lockl6aoyg.onion/worldwide-cardable-sites-by-alex
3. http://cjgxp5lockl6aoyg.onion/selling-paypal-accounts-with-balance-upto-5000dollars
4. http://cjgxp5lockl6aoyg.onion/cloned-credit-cards-free-shipping
6. ——————————————————————————————-
11. Amberoad http://amberoadychffmyw.onion
12. KognitionsKyrkan http://wd43uqrbjwe6hpre.onion
13. Malina http://malina2ihfyawiau.onion
14. BB Compendium http://jq.26zp5ygkpszripvv.onion
15. Hackbb pages index (caution) http://zalitsnkm3wflnwa.onion
16. mom’s kitchen http://momskit2z36hhuoo.onion
17. spearpeng http://spearpengkonpuoo.onion
18. psyced http://yjnnqkxfnxcrle7a.onion/de/home.page
19. bunch of stuff http://3uifimikyzy7v53o.onion/cgi-bin/link/linkliste.cgi
20. c.pozzi http://hakteamvayuhxoe7.onion/c.pozzi
21. “Google” (invite only so it seems) http://managerw4wjhakby.onion/login.php
22. Bio Hazard http://njto3uretienojic.onion
23. Oh Hai. http://pl7ph5csmnwzlcuo.onion
24. Psy Community UA http://psyco42coib33wfl.onion/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl
25. Itphx http://snvb5ffurikzeiod.onion
26. Some Chinese forum http://xkow4dnkw7cusncz.onion
27. 登录 http://22u75kqyl666joi2.onion
28. Пламен Горанов http://37ot4pnfucktimyr.onion
29. Akademiet 3D http://3dlabhf34kgeg2r6.onion
30. AdminLTE Dashboard http://b77hgnafzdsqhx2p.onion
32. ——————————————————————————————-
36. Torch http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion
37. Torch http://u7lqvkufrapz2ept.onion
38. Grams http://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion
39. Grams (caution) http://s42qgnh4kesd5odo.onion
40. Seeks Search http://oq7hx5d4ip24ay2f.onion
41. Not Evil http://hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion
42. Ahmia (also clearnet) http://msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion/search
43. DuckDuckGo https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion
44. El-Goog! http://hbzfev4o4cgfkimg.onion
45. Searx http://lqdnpadpys4snom2.onion
46. Searx http://searchb5a7tmimez.onion
47. Searx http://ulrn6sryqaifefld.onion
48. OSP Googolplex http://googolplexc324wu.onion
49. IIVW http://llvwfy2hc2fbawzb.onion
50. BTDigg DHT Search Engine http://btdigg63cdjmmmqj.onion
51. Candle http://t7tvvkx5vc3cvj6l.onion
52.53. ——————————————————————————————-
57. Tor Wiki http://torwikignoueupfm.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page
58. The Hidden Wiki http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
59. The Hidden Wiki http://wikitjerrta4qgz4.onion
60. The Hidden Wiki http://n6pbizsbykwxmydz.onion/index.php/Main_Page
61. The Hidden Wiki http://thwikihlbdf6eyop.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
62. The Hidden Wiki http://kpvz7ki2lzvnwve7.onion/index.php/Main_Page
63. The Hidden Wiki http://nqigfqrxnkwcqmiq.onion/wiki
64. The Hidden Wiki http://wikitorcwogtsifs.onion/index.php/Main_Page
65. The Hidden Wiki http://7uamutiih4fkxyol.onion/index.php/Main_Page
66. Hidden Wiki 日本 http://k2mlwxjrestnu32p.onion
67. Hidden Wiki http://hwikis252zk2m3au.onion
68. Hidden Wiki http://wikitjerm7hvsork.onion
69. The Uncensored Hidden wiki http://uhwikih256ynt57t.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
70. The Uncensored Hidden wiki http://kpvz7vokigja2k5x.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
71. Tor Hidden Service Wiki http://hswiki2acitzsxbs.onion/doku.php
72. All Your Wiki http://allyour4nert7pkh.onion:88/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
73. Project PM http://projpmcxufvim7be.onion/wiki/Main_Page
74. LulzWiki http://b6lmqk6ovmfhrm4a.onion/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
75. CryptoParty Austria http://cmoqohtgyilgec7y.onion
76. Движение без имени http://buehmwfjrvyqdnrl.onion
77. Vuze Wiki http://dr5aamfveql2b34p.onion
78. D3xt3r01 Wiki http://pcl5dt2boqqvmpk7.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page
79. ????? http://fkzkqpxfvr7i5p4k.onion
80. The Dark List http://uxxasdkkxtrzppvv.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page
81. Foswiki http://wzvj76zosr22og7r.onion/wiki/bin/view/Main/HiddenStuff
82. Jiskopedia http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Jiskopedia
83. ET Wiki http://oletfvgk2xc3eq6z.onion
85. ——————————————————————————————-
89. Yet Another Tor Dir http://bdpuqvsqmphctrcs.onion
90. BurnOut http://burnoutxf6o2yvsw.onion
91. TorX http://pdizimmrq5mwjkun.onion
92. Parazite 1 http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion
93. Parazite 2 http://qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion
94. UnderDir Undernet Directory http://underdj5ziov3ic7.onion
95. Tor.Onion Onionlist http://jh32yv5zgayyyts3.onion
96. Harry71 (Spider) http://skunksworkedp2cg.onion/sites.html
97. Hidden Links V0.1.1 http://hlinkhign4obv3a3.onion
98. Onion Url Repository http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion
99. OnionDir by Anno006 http://auutwvpt2zktxwng.onion
100. OnionDir Link Directory http://dirnxxdraygbifgc.onion
101. OnionDir Link Directory http://dirnxldxoyajdetq.onion
102. Dark Web Links & More! http://jdpskjmgy6kk4urv.onion/links.html
103. PrivateFox Bookmarks http://pfoxkwl5vxfgbp2c.onion/bookmarks.htm
104. Onion Link List http://linklistpugaiwpi.onion
105. TorLinks http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion
106. Technodrome http://54ogum7gwxhtgiya.onion/blog/index.php/catalog
108. ——————————————————————————————-
110. MISC
112. http://uhwikih256ynt57t.onion/wiki/index.php/Jolly_Roger%E2%80%99s_Security_Guide_for_Beginners
114. Onion Up? http://onionuptst6up7n2.onion
115. TorStatus http://jlve2y45zacpbz6s.onion
116. Introduction to Deepweb http://tx.m5uj4ir5maaux43p.onion
117. Deep Web in a nutshell http://dtt6tdtgroj63iud.onion
118. Stream.i2p / Stream.onion http://streamtmr46ysxw6.onion
119. Keybase http://fncuwbiisyh6ak3i.onion
120. GnuPG http://ic6au7wa3f6naxjq.onion
121. Silkroad3 http://silkrgkmqqywyns3.onion
122. Quick and dirty name generator http://qkndirty6fifcrdk.onion
123. Grayhood http://bcyey3cgfah3scjs.onion:4242
124. Maxima Culpa (confessions) http://nsmgu2mglfj7za6s.onion
125. Anonymous Confessions http://confessx3gx46lwg.onion
126. Hidden Service #35 (a bunch of them) http://xt2aqjdysma2sb2o.onion
127. Beneath VT http://74ypjqjwf6oejmax.onion
128. Fund The Islamic Struggle http://teir4baj5mpvkg5n.onion
129. Indymedia Keyserver https://qtt2yl5jocgrk7nu.onion
130. Onion Soup http://soupksx6vqh3ydda.onion
131. Onion Soup http://soupkzkuaxkjsuz3.onion
132. Wizardry & Steamwork http://kaarvixjxfdy2wv2.onion
133. Surveillance Law http://7vrl523532rjjznj.onion
134. Great Empire of Earth http://rgeo5wj7gneidzh3.onion
135. The Linux Documentation Project http://3c2rvufmbcggnqi6.onion
136. Txtorcon http://timaq4ygg2iegci7.onion
137. Gone Things (3D-printer models) http://32ixi6myw3things.onion
138. Max Security with GPG http://uhwikih256ynt57t.onion/wiki/index.php/Maximum_security_with_gpg
139. XL33tVill3 http://tt75atziadj4duff.onion
140. How will you tell the world? http://rjzdqt4z3z3xo73h.onion
141. Soylent News http://7rmath4ro2of2a42.onion
142. Technodrome http://54ogum7gwxhtgiya.onion
144. ——————————————————————————————-145.
148. Hidden Message Dead Drop http://vlr2s4g732zw6yim.onion/?faq
149. SigAint http://sigaintevyh2rzvw.onion/faq.html
150. TorBox http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion
151. Mailtor http://mailtoralnhyol5v.onion/src/login.php
152. Mail2Tor http://mail2tor2zyjdctd.onion
153. DarkNet Israel http://6eszvddenlwenv6y.onion/chat/main
154. RuggedInbox http://s4bysmmsnraf7eut.onion
155. ChatWithStrangers (ChatRoulette) http://tetatl6umgbmtv27.onion
156. SMS4Tor http://sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion
157. Bitmessage E-Mail Gateway http://bitmailendavkbec.onion
158. Lelantos http://lelantoss7bcnwbv.onion
159. JitJat Anonymous IM http://jitjatxmemcaaadp.onion/login.php
160. Onion Chat http://chatrapi7fkbzczr.onion
161. Daniel Winzen http://tt3j277rncfaqmj7.onion/chat.php
162. FreeFor http://tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion
163. Princess Jade Chat http://prjadetzgebvdmb6.onion
164. OnionNet http://ubbchzof2pxs4swi.onion
165. Anarplex http://y5fmhyqdr6r7ddws.onion/agorairc
166. RetroShare Chatserver http://chat7zlxojqcf3nv.onion
167. Innocense Offshore Mail http://inocncymyac2mufx.onion
168. Volatile http://vola7ileiax4ueow.onion
169. Riseup http://zsolxunfmbfuq7wf.onion/rc
170. Eliza Chatbot http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion
171. OnionIRC irc://cgl7owaxduu2eupi.onion:6667
172. Freenode IRC irc://2hktdmgt6bg2hjuc.onion
173. Freenode IRC irc://frxleqtzgvwkv7oz.onion
174. Freenode IRC irc://4wvhvf666nifnpg.onion
175. Freenode IRC irc://p4fsi4ockecnea7l.onion
176. Freenode IRC irc://p567hbjdstqvg7xw.onion
177. Freenode IRC irc://vgh6tbfjk65zj5ep.onion
178. irc2p onion gateway Echelon irc://zj45fq6q5f7m56z2.onion:6667
179. irc2p onion gateway Postman irc://irc2p5zrbdk25rdy.onion:6667
180. irc2p onion gateway Dark Tunnel irc://hkvxwfvs7glrnymv.onion:6668
181. The Loli Advocacy Server irc://lolikaastbgo5dtk.onion:6667
182. OpenSource Drugs Chat irc://e2ymwjy6mzy4hx3t.onion:6669
183. Josephswilliams irc://ntwrkhhtqv73vwd4.onion:6667
184. FreedomIRC irc://jscrakoresh4ubgh.onion:6667
185. KillYourIRC irc://e4bqnvfdasnx4plk.onion:6667
186. Hackint ircs://nakufgztylanf4mw.onion:9999
187. Agora Anonymous irc://cfyfz6afpgfeirst.onion:6667
188. HeavyCrypto ircs://jdobmyzmx4bh7n25.onion:6697
189. KeratNet irc://vgg6whpouebbcx7w.onion:6667
190. ANYChat irc://chatjnv7sshcuz6a.onion:6667
191. Anonimowy IRC irc://itapxk4hwi3k5ktj.onion:6667
192. NeoturbineNET IRC irc://qnwpupud3hyir6qp.onion:6697
193. JDQIRC http://jdqircugmdiix4gq.onion/about.html
194. TorChat Directory http://e4c4xzz3hl772fti.onion
195. AMUN-RA http://goatwwwbm2lbkbor.onion
196. TeenSphere Chat http://paef74x6wbxbzirx.onion/chat
197. Irc2p irc://ogn5vbujhrvbihko.onion
199. ——————————————————————————————-
203. Galaxy2 http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion
204. MultiVerse Social Network http://imwkdn62pvr6jueo.onion
205. NonCore http://f7xvwjdym4cb5zl5.onion
206. TorBook http://torbookntnjusnqd.onion
207. Blackbook http://blkbook3fxhcsn3u.onion
208. The Uncensored Social http://uncensor576gcmsi.onion
209. Diaspora http://c62bejwho55ketsi.onion
210. DoubleDutch Diaspora http://i2f4wczq2mzghxll.onion
211. Weasyl http://weasylartw55noh2.onion
212. DogShit https://facebookcorewwwi.onion
214. ——————————————————————————————-
218. Vault43 (review markets) http://vaulty2wxwm2ukf3.onion
219. Grams Market Search http://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion/markets
220. The Hub (market suggestions) http://thehub7gqe43miyc.onion
221. Agora Market http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion
222. Agora Market Forum http://lacbzxobeprssrfx.onion
223. Agora Market Invite http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion/register/S11mNAX1am
224. RAMP http://ramp2bombkadwvgz.onion
225. AlphaBay Market http://pwoah7foa6au2pul.onion
226. AlphaBay Market Forum http://pwoah7foa6au2pul.onion/forum
227. Amazon Dark http://amazon435hm6h3ye.onion
228. Nucleus Market http://nucleuspf3izq7o6.onion
229. Nucleus Market Forum http://z34uj4opd3tejafn.onion
230. Outlaw Market http://outfor6jwcztwbpd.onion
231. Outlaw Market Forum http://outforumbpapnpqr.onion
232. The Majestic Garden http://2mybnercfcums5lj.onion
233. The Majestic Garden Forum http://bm26rwk32m7u7rec.onion
234. Tochka Free Market http://tochka3evlj3sxdv.onion
235. BlackBank Market http://wztyb7vlfcw6l4xd.onion
236. BlackBank Market Forum http://kth2mwuwlkezwziy.onion237. Dream Market http://lchudifyeqm4ldjj.onion
238. The Green Machine http://zzq7gpluliw6iq7l.onion
239. Onion Trade http://mhsaby5zjddolddv.onion
240. Jah Market http://jm77xadoe3yajj3c.onion
241. KardeN’s Gun Shop http://kardencdyzqdqfka.onion
242. Executive Outcomes http://5zkfuvtrpotg2nzd.onion
243. The Armory http://armoryx7kvdq3jds.onion
244. EuroGuns (caution) http://2kka4f23pcxgqkpv.onion
245. Mr Nice Guy (caution) http://niceguyfa3xkuuoq.onion
246. Rifles and Pistols http://au4rxdo57jdnzbtq.onion
247. Bank of Tor http://hp4rsicl6sbpuy4l.onion
248. Black Market Guns http://gunsammoaahtpmqs.onion
249. NLGrowers (caution) http://25ffhe3ppwxs7kvz.onion/info.php
250. Abraxas Market (leaked clearnet ip) http://abraxasdegupusel.onion/login
251. Abraxas Market Forum (caution) http://abraxasgacelesox.onion
252. Bloomsfield http://spr3udtjiegxevzt.onion
253. Crypto Market http://cryptomktgxdn2zd.onion
254. Darknet Heroes League http://darkheroesq46awl.onion
255. East India Company http://g4c35ipwiutqccly.onion/login
256. Middle Earth Marketplace http://mango7u3rivtwxy7.onion
257. Oxygen Marketplace http://o2oxycuvnwxhv73e.onion
258. Silkkitie http://silkkitiehdg5mug.onion/kirjaudu
259. Peoples Drug Store http://newpdsuslmzqazvr.onion
260. UK Guns and Ammo Store http://tuu66yxvrnn3of7l.onion
261. Smokeables http://smoker32pk4qt3mx.onion
262. EuCanna http://rso4hutlefirefqp.onion
263. CannabisUK http://fzqnrlcvhkgbdwx5.onion
264. Cerberus Underground (coming soon) http://jhb3yqahbj27hscy.onion
265. DeDope http://kbvbh4kdddiha2ht.onion
266. BitPharma http://s5q54hfww56ov2xc.onion
267. Brainmagic http://ll6lardicrvrljvq.onion
268. Kamagra For Bitcoin http://k4btcoezc5tlxyaf.onion
269. Only Cigs http://cigs7cviqbi4bvuy.onion
270. Green Dragon http://greendrgfjz7ks5f.onion
271. Chris Carter http://weedd42ka6nmlmty.onion
272. Lim Drugs http://lwi7v5zxn7d4anek.onion
273. Lim Drugs http://pdqamq4ij4lp4mjw.onion
274. HonestCocaine’s Store http://honestcqcmljqczq.onion
275. Bazaar http://bazaar7h4ol6a3xu.onion
276. DrugMarket http://4yjes6zfucnh7vcj.onion
277. Gold Dealers http://fxwyfqrcj67nxal3.onion
278. Green Road http://greenroxwc5po3ab.onion
279. Private Market http://cqxalq3h7uynx7th.onion
280. Ukrainian Community http://psyco42coib33wfl.onion
281. Polish Black Market http://ig6ndt6anbg2dimk.onion
282. THCPREMIUM http://uc4dewuu7g4fnlkr.onion
283. TeamLotus (coupons) http://v22g2o2smqhkji37.onion
284. China Mafia http://jaf3r3rfjvongcox.onion
285. SwissShop http://ahtlucz5e5vpbuvk.onion
286. EpicMarket http://epicmarketbbhhmm.onion
288. ——————————————————————————————-
292. Central Shop (limited Registration) http://qhd6aon2fyjjan4e.onion
293. 8chan http://fullchan4jtta4sx.onion
294. TorChan http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard
295. Overchan.lolz1 http://lyp6sf5tzd6mbnmc.onion
296. OnionChan http://xwcpqi4g32yfnj7r.onion
297. GUROchan http://gurochanocizhuhg.onion
298. Два.ч http://dmirrgetyojz735v.onion/bb
299. OniiChan http://oniichanylo2tsi4.onion
300. Cebolla Chan 3.0 http://s6ccouvybf3ysmb2.onion/w/forumdisplay.php
301. Nattsudd http://efn26dkqrydtagqe.onion
302. Sipulikanava http://p3jsaew6i4ur2t43.onion
303. ZCR http://zcrxjlhuxpjrxsh2.onion
304. RaumZeitBrett http://rzlbrettkg2h25it.onion
305. SlamSpeech http://slamspeechicukxu.onion
306. FBIChan http://fbichanc6yfagl4l.onion
307. Sipulikanava http://b.2i7aalqdpiuw36nu.onion
308. 12Chan Server 2 (100mb up) http://6n6tgirtuvcf6l3r.onion
309. 12Chan (100mb up) http://3z7rlgb6ec575un4.onion
310. AnonGTS http://ocu3errhpxppmwpr.onion
311. Intel Exchange http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion
312. The Hub http://thehub7gqe43miyc.onion
313. Wall Street http://z2hjm7uhwisw5jm5.onion
314. Thunder’s Place http://thundersplv36ecb.onion
315. Anonymous BBS https://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion
316. Assassin’s Community http://killer6qdkbbh66d.onion/login.php
317. Deep Web Ministries http://hxnibog5m2ocjeef.onion
318. Really Hidden Forum (invite only) http://u5i5jvoqza33fxvo.onion/users/sign_in
319. Turkish Uncensored Forum http://pnetslnou7fsr24r.onion
320. Turkish DarkWeb http://2gf6inwn32pov6ro.onion
321. Hidden BBS https://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion
322. SAGE http://76xkbxgntgu2uwxb.onion
323. Le Comptoir http://vmd7t3ltnkqgrpby.onion/index.php
324. French Deep Web http://fdwocbsnity6vzwd.onion
325. Italian Darknet Community http://2qrdpvonwwqnic7j.onion
326. Babylon http://babylonxjrtdyomy.onion/login.php
327. High Korea http://highkorea5ou4wcy.onion
328. Cebulka http://qd73mvvc7v7zewwl.onion329. Victoria http://zdzichtfwlcpejle.onion
330. RuTor http://xuytcbrwbxbxwnbu.onion
331. ПЛАНЕТА ПЛЮК http://pluk2u7uwzcwcwje.onion
332. Runion http://lwplxqzvmgu43uff.onion
333. ResisTor http://eon3o2n4tohozwsu.onion
334. Moral.nu http://fcnwebggxt2d3h64.onion
335. Wowaname http://nntpbwawyi633hz2.onion
336. Punpun http://htzdaj24brekerl2.onion
337. Brotherhood – HK http://pojkw5n4t2ixmqp6.onion
338. Tinybb4 https://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion
339. TinyIB http://eukocpwcu6bfvmbx.onion/index.html
340. Siph0n Board http://siphondkh34l5vki.onion
341. Hidden Answers http://www.vafeqoqu77txzc7q.onion/index.php
342. Indentifiez-vous http://fmpr2yzsdskk7ywo.onion/index.php
343. Archaic Binary BBS http://umst5ohdqq2unk5f.onion
344. Citadel http://zdobrh7ncrwttnjq.onion
345. Torduckin0 1 http://3mrdrr2gas45q6hp.onion
346. Torduckin0 2 http://q2uftrjiuegl4ped.onion
347. Torduckin0 3 http://tghtnwsywvvhromy.onion:2000
348. Torduckin0 4 http://wx3wmh767azjjl4v.onion
350. ——————————————————————————————-
354. Cyrusserv http://cyruservvvklto2l.onion
355. Cyrusserv http://itworks.cyruservvvklto2l.onion
356. Freedom Image Hosting http://freedomsct2bsqtn.onion
357. ServNet http://bq2ncjv5qb6zw42p.onion
358. Real Hosting http://hosting6iar5zo7c.onion
359. Real Hosting http://ezuwnhj5j6mtk4xr.onion
360. Turkish Hidden Hosting http://thhazdmx2kymozql.onion
361. Matrix Trilogy http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion
362. Deep Web Hosting http://hostie65cxwr4tza.onion
363. Fuck You Hosting http://fuckyouhoibssdjh.onion
364. TorShops (caution) http://shopsat2dotfotbs.onion
365. Bittit http://ejz7kqoryhqwosbk.onion
366. SecureDrop http://strngbxhwyuu37a3.onion
367. Anon File Upload http://6pcn3sgdf2ckzs5o.onion
368. Ukaz.cz http://r4tylitxaom2zqu5.onion
369. Liberty’s Hackers http://libertygb2nyeyay.onion
370. Prometheus Hidden Services http://prometh5th5t5rfd.onion
371. TorVPS http://torvps7kzis5ujfz.onion/index.php/TorVPS
372. Free Tor VPS http://xhb3njtr7tcj7sqy.onion
373. EuroHost http://eurohostesfobbma.onion
374. Img.bi http://imgbifwwqoixh7te.onion
375. Anon Web FTP Client http://wtutoxfznz45gf6c.onion
376. Onion Uploader http://nk3k2rsitogzvk2a.onion
377. Hidden Hosting Services http://7zzohostingx4mes.onion
378. Infernet Dark Hosting http://a5ok374pjcq7bsyp.onion
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387. ——————————————————————————————-
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418. ——————————————————————————————-
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429. ——————————————————————————————-
431. GORE
433. Sea Kittens! http://wtwfzkvp2haj5m3p.onion
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435. Cruel Onion Wiki http://cowikieegygxfhnh.onion
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443. Violent Desires, now Violent Minds??
445. ——————————————————————————————-
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452. ——————————————————————————————-
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691. http://www.deepdotweb.com/marketplace-directory/listing/farmer1-market
692. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=11
693. http://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/1ndch5/hidden_apple_are_they_a_legitimate_business/
694. http://pastetorziarobi7.onion/Y47hLSZO
695. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=23
696. http://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/1lm24q/new_to_tor_is_there_somewhere_that_has_reviews/697. http://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/2dellb/the_armory_worldwide_firearm_sales_multisig/
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699. https://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/1k0nn8/torshops_uk_guns_ammoeurogunsmobile_store_is_scam/
700. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=13
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703. http://rent-a-hacker.blogspot.com/2013/06/rent-hacker-fraud-fraude-scam.html
704. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=1
705. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:sYn8AM8ZFqcJ:darktor.com
706. http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/2bynpw/request_i_need_the_site_addresses_for_any_and_all/
707. http://www.deepdotweb.com/marketplace-directory/listing/dutchy-anonymous-drug-store
708. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=11
709. http://www.deepdotweb.com/marketplace-directory/listing/silk-road-2-0
710. http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/21nf29/is_tor_gamedepot_a_scam/
711. http://4chandata.org/g/Is-this-site-legit-a665500
712. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=23
713. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=23
714. http://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/1qytd4/anyone_ever_ordered_from_this_site/
715. http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/1vx9e8/psa_executive_outcomes_and_most_firearms_dealers/
716. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=30
717. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/30rhd6/complaintwarning_im_a_fucking_retard_for_going_on/
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726. Open Bazaar Github https://github.com/OpenBazaar/OpenBazaar
727. Openmarket Github https://github.com/openmarket/openmarket
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2012. http://fdjqvra77qy5lnbo.onion/ ?
2013. http://fdp3oeenr7wohbxa.onion/ ?
2014. http://fdp3ombsobj2uw4w.onion/ ?
2015. http://fdsv3vuu2hbbrern.onion/ ? Cannabis King
2016. http://fdwggw4mqlvsu3xj.onion/ ?
2017. http://fe.iqdehhy6qi6p44dy.onion/ ? Onion Identity Services – Get your fake passport and a new identity today
2018. http://fe3rx2mkf7hgmaks.onion/ ? Index of /
2019. http://fee5y4clhnxhxnqd.onion/ ? Alert!
2020. http://felinieqyrgqpwcm.onion/ ?
2021. http://felixxxboni3mk4a.onion/ ?
2. http://cjgxp5lockl6aoyg.onion/worldwide-cardable-sites-by-alex
3. http://cjgxp5lockl6aoyg.onion/selling-paypal-accounts-with-balance-upto-5000dollars
4. http://cjgxp5lockl6aoyg.onion/cloned-credit-cards-free-shipping
6. ——————————————————————————————-
11. Amberoad http://amberoadychffmyw.onion
12. KognitionsKyrkan http://wd43uqrbjwe6hpre.onion
13. Malina http://malina2ihfyawiau.onion
14. BB Compendium http://jq.26zp5ygkpszripvv.onion
15. Hackbb pages index (caution) http://zalitsnkm3wflnwa.onion
16. mom’s kitchen http://momskit2z36hhuoo.onion
17. spearpeng http://spearpengkonpuoo.onion
18. psyced http://yjnnqkxfnxcrle7a.onion/de/home.page
19. bunch of stuff http://3uifimikyzy7v53o.onion/cgi-bin/link/linkliste.cgi
20. c.pozzi http://hakteamvayuhxoe7.onion/c.pozzi
21. “Google” (invite only so it seems) http://managerw4wjhakby.onion/login.php
22. Bio Hazard http://njto3uretienojic.onion
23. Oh Hai. http://pl7ph5csmnwzlcuo.onion
24. Psy Community UA http://psyco42coib33wfl.onion/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl
25. Itphx http://snvb5ffurikzeiod.onion
26. Some Chinese forum http://xkow4dnkw7cusncz.onion
27. 登录 http://22u75kqyl666joi2.onion
28. Пламен Горанов http://37ot4pnfucktimyr.onion
29. Akademiet 3D http://3dlabhf34kgeg2r6.onion
30. AdminLTE Dashboard http://b77hgnafzdsqhx2p.onion
32. ——————————————————————————————-
36. Torch http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion
37. Torch http://u7lqvkufrapz2ept.onion
38. Grams http://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion
39. Grams (caution) http://s42qgnh4kesd5odo.onion
40. Seeks Search http://oq7hx5d4ip24ay2f.onion
41. Not Evil http://hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion
42. Ahmia (also clearnet) http://msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion/search
43. DuckDuckGo https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion
44. El-Goog! http://hbzfev4o4cgfkimg.onion
45. Searx http://lqdnpadpys4snom2.onion
46. Searx http://searchb5a7tmimez.onion
47. Searx http://ulrn6sryqaifefld.onion
48. OSP Googolplex http://googolplexc324wu.onion
49. IIVW http://llvwfy2hc2fbawzb.onion
50. BTDigg DHT Search Engine http://btdigg63cdjmmmqj.onion
51. Candle http://t7tvvkx5vc3cvj6l.onion
52.53. ——————————————————————————————-
57. Tor Wiki http://torwikignoueupfm.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page
58. The Hidden Wiki http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
59. The Hidden Wiki http://wikitjerrta4qgz4.onion
60. The Hidden Wiki http://n6pbizsbykwxmydz.onion/index.php/Main_Page
61. The Hidden Wiki http://thwikihlbdf6eyop.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
62. The Hidden Wiki http://kpvz7ki2lzvnwve7.onion/index.php/Main_Page
63. The Hidden Wiki http://nqigfqrxnkwcqmiq.onion/wiki
64. The Hidden Wiki http://wikitorcwogtsifs.onion/index.php/Main_Page
65. The Hidden Wiki http://7uamutiih4fkxyol.onion/index.php/Main_Page
66. Hidden Wiki 日本 http://k2mlwxjrestnu32p.onion
67. Hidden Wiki http://hwikis252zk2m3au.onion
68. Hidden Wiki http://wikitjerm7hvsork.onion
69. The Uncensored Hidden wiki http://uhwikih256ynt57t.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
70. The Uncensored Hidden wiki http://kpvz7vokigja2k5x.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
71. Tor Hidden Service Wiki http://hswiki2acitzsxbs.onion/doku.php
72. All Your Wiki http://allyour4nert7pkh.onion:88/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
73. Project PM http://projpmcxufvim7be.onion/wiki/Main_Page
74. LulzWiki http://b6lmqk6ovmfhrm4a.onion/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
75. CryptoParty Austria http://cmoqohtgyilgec7y.onion
76. Движение без имени http://buehmwfjrvyqdnrl.onion
77. Vuze Wiki http://dr5aamfveql2b34p.onion
78. D3xt3r01 Wiki http://pcl5dt2boqqvmpk7.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page
79. ????? http://fkzkqpxfvr7i5p4k.onion
80. The Dark List http://uxxasdkkxtrzppvv.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page
81. Foswiki http://wzvj76zosr22og7r.onion/wiki/bin/view/Main/HiddenStuff
82. Jiskopedia http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/Jiskopedia
83. ET Wiki http://oletfvgk2xc3eq6z.onion
85. ——————————————————————————————-
89. Yet Another Tor Dir http://bdpuqvsqmphctrcs.onion
90. BurnOut http://burnoutxf6o2yvsw.onion
91. TorX http://pdizimmrq5mwjkun.onion
92. Parazite 1 http://kpynyvym6xqi7wz2.onion
93. Parazite 2 http://qx7j2selmom4ioxf.onion
94. UnderDir Undernet Directory http://underdj5ziov3ic7.onion
95. Tor.Onion Onionlist http://jh32yv5zgayyyts3.onion
96. Harry71 (Spider) http://skunksworkedp2cg.onion/sites.html
97. Hidden Links V0.1.1 http://hlinkhign4obv3a3.onion
98. Onion Url Repository http://32rfckwuorlf4dlv.onion
99. OnionDir by Anno006 http://auutwvpt2zktxwng.onion
100. OnionDir Link Directory http://dirnxxdraygbifgc.onion
101. OnionDir Link Directory http://dirnxldxoyajdetq.onion
102. Dark Web Links & More! http://jdpskjmgy6kk4urv.onion/links.html
103. PrivateFox Bookmarks http://pfoxkwl5vxfgbp2c.onion/bookmarks.htm
104. Onion Link List http://linklistpugaiwpi.onion
105. TorLinks http://torlinkbgs6aabns.onion
106. Technodrome http://54ogum7gwxhtgiya.onion/blog/index.php/catalog
108. ——————————————————————————————-
110. MISC
112. http://uhwikih256ynt57t.onion/wiki/index.php/Jolly_Roger%E2%80%99s_Security_Guide_for_Beginners
114. Onion Up? http://onionuptst6up7n2.onion
115. TorStatus http://jlve2y45zacpbz6s.onion
116. Introduction to Deepweb http://tx.m5uj4ir5maaux43p.onion
117. Deep Web in a nutshell http://dtt6tdtgroj63iud.onion
118. Stream.i2p / Stream.onion http://streamtmr46ysxw6.onion
119. Keybase http://fncuwbiisyh6ak3i.onion
120. GnuPG http://ic6au7wa3f6naxjq.onion
121. Silkroad3 http://silkrgkmqqywyns3.onion
122. Quick and dirty name generator http://qkndirty6fifcrdk.onion
123. Grayhood http://bcyey3cgfah3scjs.onion:4242
124. Maxima Culpa (confessions) http://nsmgu2mglfj7za6s.onion
125. Anonymous Confessions http://confessx3gx46lwg.onion
126. Hidden Service #35 (a bunch of them) http://xt2aqjdysma2sb2o.onion
127. Beneath VT http://74ypjqjwf6oejmax.onion
128. Fund The Islamic Struggle http://teir4baj5mpvkg5n.onion
129. Indymedia Keyserver https://qtt2yl5jocgrk7nu.onion
130. Onion Soup http://soupksx6vqh3ydda.onion
131. Onion Soup http://soupkzkuaxkjsuz3.onion
132. Wizardry & Steamwork http://kaarvixjxfdy2wv2.onion
133. Surveillance Law http://7vrl523532rjjznj.onion
134. Great Empire of Earth http://rgeo5wj7gneidzh3.onion
135. The Linux Documentation Project http://3c2rvufmbcggnqi6.onion
136. Txtorcon http://timaq4ygg2iegci7.onion
137. Gone Things (3D-printer models) http://32ixi6myw3things.onion
138. Max Security with GPG http://uhwikih256ynt57t.onion/wiki/index.php/Maximum_security_with_gpg
139. XL33tVill3 http://tt75atziadj4duff.onion
140. How will you tell the world? http://rjzdqt4z3z3xo73h.onion
141. Soylent News http://7rmath4ro2of2a42.onion
142. Technodrome http://54ogum7gwxhtgiya.onion
144. ——————————————————————————————-145.
148. Hidden Message Dead Drop http://vlr2s4g732zw6yim.onion/?faq
149. SigAint http://sigaintevyh2rzvw.onion/faq.html
150. TorBox http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion
151. Mailtor http://mailtoralnhyol5v.onion/src/login.php
152. Mail2Tor http://mail2tor2zyjdctd.onion
153. DarkNet Israel http://6eszvddenlwenv6y.onion/chat/main
154. RuggedInbox http://s4bysmmsnraf7eut.onion
155. ChatWithStrangers (ChatRoulette) http://tetatl6umgbmtv27.onion
156. SMS4Tor http://sms4tor3vcr2geip.onion
157. Bitmessage E-Mail Gateway http://bitmailendavkbec.onion
158. Lelantos http://lelantoss7bcnwbv.onion
159. JitJat Anonymous IM http://jitjatxmemcaaadp.onion/login.php
160. Onion Chat http://chatrapi7fkbzczr.onion
161. Daniel Winzen http://tt3j277rncfaqmj7.onion/chat.php
162. FreeFor http://tns7i5gucaaussz4.onion
163. Princess Jade Chat http://prjadetzgebvdmb6.onion
164. OnionNet http://ubbchzof2pxs4swi.onion
165. Anarplex http://y5fmhyqdr6r7ddws.onion/agorairc
166. RetroShare Chatserver http://chat7zlxojqcf3nv.onion
167. Innocense Offshore Mail http://inocncymyac2mufx.onion
168. Volatile http://vola7ileiax4ueow.onion
169. Riseup http://zsolxunfmbfuq7wf.onion/rc
170. Eliza Chatbot http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion
171. OnionIRC irc://cgl7owaxduu2eupi.onion:6667
172. Freenode IRC irc://2hktdmgt6bg2hjuc.onion
173. Freenode IRC irc://frxleqtzgvwkv7oz.onion
174. Freenode IRC irc://4wvhvf666nifnpg.onion
175. Freenode IRC irc://p4fsi4ockecnea7l.onion
176. Freenode IRC irc://p567hbjdstqvg7xw.onion
177. Freenode IRC irc://vgh6tbfjk65zj5ep.onion
178. irc2p onion gateway Echelon irc://zj45fq6q5f7m56z2.onion:6667
179. irc2p onion gateway Postman irc://irc2p5zrbdk25rdy.onion:6667
180. irc2p onion gateway Dark Tunnel irc://hkvxwfvs7glrnymv.onion:6668
181. The Loli Advocacy Server irc://lolikaastbgo5dtk.onion:6667
182. OpenSource Drugs Chat irc://e2ymwjy6mzy4hx3t.onion:6669
183. Josephswilliams irc://ntwrkhhtqv73vwd4.onion:6667
184. FreedomIRC irc://jscrakoresh4ubgh.onion:6667
185. KillYourIRC irc://e4bqnvfdasnx4plk.onion:6667
186. Hackint ircs://nakufgztylanf4mw.onion:9999
187. Agora Anonymous irc://cfyfz6afpgfeirst.onion:6667
188. HeavyCrypto ircs://jdobmyzmx4bh7n25.onion:6697
189. KeratNet irc://vgg6whpouebbcx7w.onion:6667
190. ANYChat irc://chatjnv7sshcuz6a.onion:6667
191. Anonimowy IRC irc://itapxk4hwi3k5ktj.onion:6667
192. NeoturbineNET IRC irc://qnwpupud3hyir6qp.onion:6697
193. JDQIRC http://jdqircugmdiix4gq.onion/about.html
194. TorChat Directory http://e4c4xzz3hl772fti.onion
195. AMUN-RA http://goatwwwbm2lbkbor.onion
196. TeenSphere Chat http://paef74x6wbxbzirx.onion/chat
197. Irc2p irc://ogn5vbujhrvbihko.onion
199. ——————————————————————————————-
203. Galaxy2 http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion
204. MultiVerse Social Network http://imwkdn62pvr6jueo.onion
205. NonCore http://f7xvwjdym4cb5zl5.onion
206. TorBook http://torbookntnjusnqd.onion
207. Blackbook http://blkbook3fxhcsn3u.onion
208. The Uncensored Social http://uncensor576gcmsi.onion
209. Diaspora http://c62bejwho55ketsi.onion
210. DoubleDutch Diaspora http://i2f4wczq2mzghxll.onion
211. Weasyl http://weasylartw55noh2.onion
212. DogShit https://facebookcorewwwi.onion
214. ——————————————————————————————-
218. Vault43 (review markets) http://vaulty2wxwm2ukf3.onion
219. Grams Market Search http://grams7enufi7jmdl.onion/markets
220. The Hub (market suggestions) http://thehub7gqe43miyc.onion
221. Agora Market http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion
222. Agora Market Forum http://lacbzxobeprssrfx.onion
223. Agora Market Invite http://agorahooawayyfoe.onion/register/S11mNAX1am
224. RAMP http://ramp2bombkadwvgz.onion
225. AlphaBay Market http://pwoah7foa6au2pul.onion
226. AlphaBay Market Forum http://pwoah7foa6au2pul.onion/forum
227. Amazon Dark http://amazon435hm6h3ye.onion
228. Nucleus Market http://nucleuspf3izq7o6.onion
229. Nucleus Market Forum http://z34uj4opd3tejafn.onion
230. Outlaw Market http://outfor6jwcztwbpd.onion
231. Outlaw Market Forum http://outforumbpapnpqr.onion
232. The Majestic Garden http://2mybnercfcums5lj.onion
233. The Majestic Garden Forum http://bm26rwk32m7u7rec.onion
234. Tochka Free Market http://tochka3evlj3sxdv.onion
235. BlackBank Market http://wztyb7vlfcw6l4xd.onion
236. BlackBank Market Forum http://kth2mwuwlkezwziy.onion237. Dream Market http://lchudifyeqm4ldjj.onion
238. The Green Machine http://zzq7gpluliw6iq7l.onion
239. Onion Trade http://mhsaby5zjddolddv.onion
240. Jah Market http://jm77xadoe3yajj3c.onion
241. KardeN’s Gun Shop http://kardencdyzqdqfka.onion
242. Executive Outcomes http://5zkfuvtrpotg2nzd.onion
243. The Armory http://armoryx7kvdq3jds.onion
244. EuroGuns (caution) http://2kka4f23pcxgqkpv.onion
245. Mr Nice Guy (caution) http://niceguyfa3xkuuoq.onion
246. Rifles and Pistols http://au4rxdo57jdnzbtq.onion
247. Bank of Tor http://hp4rsicl6sbpuy4l.onion
248. Black Market Guns http://gunsammoaahtpmqs.onion
249. NLGrowers (caution) http://25ffhe3ppwxs7kvz.onion/info.php
250. Abraxas Market (leaked clearnet ip) http://abraxasdegupusel.onion/login
251. Abraxas Market Forum (caution) http://abraxasgacelesox.onion
252. Bloomsfield http://spr3udtjiegxevzt.onion
253. Crypto Market http://cryptomktgxdn2zd.onion
254. Darknet Heroes League http://darkheroesq46awl.onion
255. East India Company http://g4c35ipwiutqccly.onion/login
256. Middle Earth Marketplace http://mango7u3rivtwxy7.onion
257. Oxygen Marketplace http://o2oxycuvnwxhv73e.onion
258. Silkkitie http://silkkitiehdg5mug.onion/kirjaudu
259. Peoples Drug Store http://newpdsuslmzqazvr.onion
260. UK Guns and Ammo Store http://tuu66yxvrnn3of7l.onion
261. Smokeables http://smoker32pk4qt3mx.onion
262. EuCanna http://rso4hutlefirefqp.onion
263. CannabisUK http://fzqnrlcvhkgbdwx5.onion
264. Cerberus Underground (coming soon) http://jhb3yqahbj27hscy.onion
265. DeDope http://kbvbh4kdddiha2ht.onion
266. BitPharma http://s5q54hfww56ov2xc.onion
267. Brainmagic http://ll6lardicrvrljvq.onion
268. Kamagra For Bitcoin http://k4btcoezc5tlxyaf.onion
269. Only Cigs http://cigs7cviqbi4bvuy.onion
270. Green Dragon http://greendrgfjz7ks5f.onion
271. Chris Carter http://weedd42ka6nmlmty.onion
272. Lim Drugs http://lwi7v5zxn7d4anek.onion
273. Lim Drugs http://pdqamq4ij4lp4mjw.onion
274. HonestCocaine’s Store http://honestcqcmljqczq.onion
275. Bazaar http://bazaar7h4ol6a3xu.onion
276. DrugMarket http://4yjes6zfucnh7vcj.onion
277. Gold Dealers http://fxwyfqrcj67nxal3.onion
278. Green Road http://greenroxwc5po3ab.onion
279. Private Market http://cqxalq3h7uynx7th.onion
280. Ukrainian Community http://psyco42coib33wfl.onion
281. Polish Black Market http://ig6ndt6anbg2dimk.onion
282. THCPREMIUM http://uc4dewuu7g4fnlkr.onion
283. TeamLotus (coupons) http://v22g2o2smqhkji37.onion
284. China Mafia http://jaf3r3rfjvongcox.onion
285. SwissShop http://ahtlucz5e5vpbuvk.onion
286. EpicMarket http://epicmarketbbhhmm.onion
288. ——————————————————————————————-
292. Central Shop (limited Registration) http://qhd6aon2fyjjan4e.onion
293. 8chan http://fullchan4jtta4sx.onion
294. TorChan http://zw3crggtadila2sg.onion/imageboard
295. Overchan.lolz1 http://lyp6sf5tzd6mbnmc.onion
296. OnionChan http://xwcpqi4g32yfnj7r.onion
297. GUROchan http://gurochanocizhuhg.onion
298. Два.ч http://dmirrgetyojz735v.onion/bb
299. OniiChan http://oniichanylo2tsi4.onion
300. Cebolla Chan 3.0 http://s6ccouvybf3ysmb2.onion/w/forumdisplay.php
301. Nattsudd http://efn26dkqrydtagqe.onion
302. Sipulikanava http://p3jsaew6i4ur2t43.onion
303. ZCR http://zcrxjlhuxpjrxsh2.onion
304. RaumZeitBrett http://rzlbrettkg2h25it.onion
305. SlamSpeech http://slamspeechicukxu.onion
306. FBIChan http://fbichanc6yfagl4l.onion
307. Sipulikanava http://b.2i7aalqdpiuw36nu.onion
308. 12Chan Server 2 (100mb up) http://6n6tgirtuvcf6l3r.onion
309. 12Chan (100mb up) http://3z7rlgb6ec575un4.onion
310. AnonGTS http://ocu3errhpxppmwpr.onion
311. Intel Exchange http://rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion
312. The Hub http://thehub7gqe43miyc.onion
313. Wall Street http://z2hjm7uhwisw5jm5.onion
314. Thunder’s Place http://thundersplv36ecb.onion
315. Anonymous BBS https://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion
316. Assassin’s Community http://killer6qdkbbh66d.onion/login.php
317. Deep Web Ministries http://hxnibog5m2ocjeef.onion
318. Really Hidden Forum (invite only) http://u5i5jvoqza33fxvo.onion/users/sign_in
319. Turkish Uncensored Forum http://pnetslnou7fsr24r.onion
320. Turkish DarkWeb http://2gf6inwn32pov6ro.onion
321. Hidden BBS https://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion
322. SAGE http://76xkbxgntgu2uwxb.onion
323. Le Comptoir http://vmd7t3ltnkqgrpby.onion/index.php
324. French Deep Web http://fdwocbsnity6vzwd.onion
325. Italian Darknet Community http://2qrdpvonwwqnic7j.onion
326. Babylon http://babylonxjrtdyomy.onion/login.php
327. High Korea http://highkorea5ou4wcy.onion
328. Cebulka http://qd73mvvc7v7zewwl.onion329. Victoria http://zdzichtfwlcpejle.onion
330. RuTor http://xuytcbrwbxbxwnbu.onion
331. ПЛАНЕТА ПЛЮК http://pluk2u7uwzcwcwje.onion
332. Runion http://lwplxqzvmgu43uff.onion
333. ResisTor http://eon3o2n4tohozwsu.onion
334. Moral.nu http://fcnwebggxt2d3h64.onion
335. Wowaname http://nntpbwawyi633hz2.onion
336. Punpun http://htzdaj24brekerl2.onion
337. Brotherhood – HK http://pojkw5n4t2ixmqp6.onion
338. Tinybb4 https://qm3monarchzifkwa.onion
339. TinyIB http://eukocpwcu6bfvmbx.onion/index.html
340. Siph0n Board http://siphondkh34l5vki.onion
341. Hidden Answers http://www.vafeqoqu77txzc7q.onion/index.php
342. Indentifiez-vous http://fmpr2yzsdskk7ywo.onion/index.php
343. Archaic Binary BBS http://umst5ohdqq2unk5f.onion
344. Citadel http://zdobrh7ncrwttnjq.onion
345. Torduckin0 1 http://3mrdrr2gas45q6hp.onion
346. Torduckin0 2 http://q2uftrjiuegl4ped.onion
347. Torduckin0 3 http://tghtnwsywvvhromy.onion:2000
348. Torduckin0 4 http://wx3wmh767azjjl4v.onion
350. ——————————————————————————————-
354. Cyrusserv http://cyruservvvklto2l.onion
355. Cyrusserv http://itworks.cyruservvvklto2l.onion
356. Freedom Image Hosting http://freedomsct2bsqtn.onion
357. ServNet http://bq2ncjv5qb6zw42p.onion
358. Real Hosting http://hosting6iar5zo7c.onion
359. Real Hosting http://ezuwnhj5j6mtk4xr.onion
360. Turkish Hidden Hosting http://thhazdmx2kymozql.onion
361. Matrix Trilogy http://matrixtxri745dfw.onion
362. Deep Web Hosting http://hostie65cxwr4tza.onion
363. Fuck You Hosting http://fuckyouhoibssdjh.onion
364. TorShops (caution) http://shopsat2dotfotbs.onion
365. Bittit http://ejz7kqoryhqwosbk.onion
366. SecureDrop http://strngbxhwyuu37a3.onion
367. Anon File Upload http://6pcn3sgdf2ckzs5o.onion
368. Ukaz.cz http://r4tylitxaom2zqu5.onion
369. Liberty’s Hackers http://libertygb2nyeyay.onion
370. Prometheus Hidden Services http://prometh5th5t5rfd.onion
371. TorVPS http://torvps7kzis5ujfz.onion/index.php/TorVPS
372. Free Tor VPS http://xhb3njtr7tcj7sqy.onion
373. EuroHost http://eurohostesfobbma.onion
374. Img.bi http://imgbifwwqoixh7te.onion
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418. ——————————————————————————————-
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429. ——————————————————————————————-
431. GORE
433. Sea Kittens! http://wtwfzkvp2haj5m3p.onion
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435. Cruel Onion Wiki http://cowikieegygxfhnh.onion
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443. Violent Desires, now Violent Minds??
445. ——————————————————————————————-
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452. ——————————————————————————————-
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691. http://www.deepdotweb.com/marketplace-directory/listing/farmer1-market
692. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=11
693. http://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/1ndch5/hidden_apple_are_they_a_legitimate_business/
694. http://pastetorziarobi7.onion/Y47hLSZO
695. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=23
696. http://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/1lm24q/new_to_tor_is_there_somewhere_that_has_reviews/697. http://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/2dellb/the_armory_worldwide_firearm_sales_multisig/
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699. https://www.reddit.com/r/onions/comments/1k0nn8/torshops_uk_guns_ammoeurogunsmobile_store_is_scam/
700. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=13
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703. http://rent-a-hacker.blogspot.com/2013/06/rent-hacker-fraud-fraude-scam.html
704. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=1
705. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:sYn8AM8ZFqcJ:darktor.com
706. http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/2bynpw/request_i_need_the_site_addresses_for_any_and_all/
707. http://www.deepdotweb.com/marketplace-directory/listing/dutchy-anonymous-drug-store
708. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=11
709. http://www.deepdotweb.com/marketplace-directory/listing/silk-road-2-0
710. http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/21nf29/is_tor_gamedepot_a_scam/
711. http://4chandata.org/g/Is-this-site-legit-a665500
712. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=23
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714. http://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/comments/1qytd4/anyone_ever_ordered_from_this_site/
715. http://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/1vx9e8/psa_executive_outcomes_and_most_firearms_dealers/
716. http://darktor.com/directory.cgi?cat=30
717. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkNetMarkets/comments/30rhd6/complaintwarning_im_a_fucking_retard_for_going_on/
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1105. http://76laazt7e7pzdj2v.onion/ ? Index of /
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